Sunday 30 September 2012

And now, comfortably 'pitched'

The 'shed draggers', as Joe's daughter refers to us when we are off in the caravan, ( actually it is slightly less politically correct than that..) have arrived safely at our Norfolk destination.  The new and therefore  unfamiliar awning went up yesterday...though not without the usual tensions - a bit like the typical mooring squabbles that many a boating couple will be oh so familiar with... 

We have had a couple of days with my Brother and Sister-in-law, David and Denise, at their home in Bressingham Norfolk leaving Fletcher and Floyd with them for the two weeks we are away.    The dogs will have a whale of a time with Bruv where they are allowed on settee's and beds unlike their life with US where restrictions apply!

Joe 'comfortably pitched' as well

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