Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Permission Granted!

We find ourselves with a bit of a dilemma; the Town moorings in March are restricted to a 36 hour stay (Why that ridiculous figure is a mystery to all...not a day, or two days, but one and a half days??)  anyway, I digress.   Our dilemma is that the only service point on the Middle Levels is here in March, the mooring times here are restricted, we are 'marooned' until we are allowed out on to River Nene and that could be weeks away, so what do we do?
Answer, contact Brian.
I emailed Brian of Nb Harnser as these are waters he is very familiar with and he moors his boat at Floods Ferry just outside March.  Brian's advice was to stay put and call the Middle Level Commissioners (MLC) to let them know that you are over staying and why.
This morning I called the MLC, spoke to Louise and explained the situation and gave them Yarwood's and Matilda Rose's names and numbers.   I was thanked for letting them know and told 'that is fine but leave as soon as the strong stream advice on the R. Nene is lifted'.
Permission Granted!
Thank you MLC...


  1. Glad you are allowed to stay in March for now! Fingers crossed that the Nene behaves itself! Looks like we will cross paths with you in Willow at some point!

  2. Hi Amy
    We need to keep an eye on each others progress and aim to moor overnight together somewhere!

  3. Hi, I suppose with a 36 hours mooring. they are saying you can stay 2 nights & have the day to explore.......ish.


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