Monday 23 September 2013

Flavour of the weekend

Having moved further along the Ashby canal I find that I am 'blessed' with a signal sufficient to load a few photo's so I am going to abuse my good fortune and put up some shots taken over the weekend. 
We spent a large part of the weekend in the company of the Nb. Kyle crew, Brian and his dog Ghost.  It was Brian and Nb. Kyle that first 'turned my head' when we met on the Peak Forest canal a number of years ago now and got me thinking that I would rather like to have a tug style boat...

 NB Kyle, a 57' BCN tug
Nb Kyle, BCN Tug built in 1982 by Malcolm Pearson
On Saturday afternoon we walked up into Stoke Golding and had a drink together at one of the three pubs in the village.  On arriving at the George and Dragon pub there was an assortment of strange vehicles parked outside with their owners inside at the bar.

This tractor was left running outside the pub - I think it was one of those that only starts with  the aid of a shotgun charge and a hammer!

George and Dragon, real ale and dog friendly!
It was just as well that Joe recorded the F1 qualifying because the jokes and pints come thick and fast when you are out with Brian. We arrived back at Yarwood a bit later than the time we had seen the qualifying and had something to eat  - hastily knocked up by me (Brian was subjected to a chickpea concoction which he not only eat but lived to tell the tale, i.e. he was still alive the next day) it was time for bed.


  1. Hi Ya, I really don't know how we missed you???? We moved from Mk. Bosworth to Stoke Golding Sunday morning. We walked from B 28 to B 23 along tow path then back across the fields to our boat (on moorings by lay by) Sunday afternoon. We looked out for you as we knew you were around. I knew Yarwood was special but "Stealth"..... Wow!
    We moved today (Monday) now at Hawksbury, maybe catch up on Liecester line? John N/B Ellen.

    1. Hi John
      We were moored by bridge 22 and moved past you just after 8am Monday morning. I got a shot of you see Tuesday's post.
      We will be going up towards Market Harborough from the Ashby in mid October, are you heading for Crick again?

  2. Hi Lesley, Bridge 22...........that be it then! Don't know why I thought you were nearer the village. Lola did spot you sliding past, the gap in the curtains (last window) is her, on the bed, twitching the curtains at any thing that moves, she really is a "busy" little dog, nosy suits better. She needs Floyd & Fletcher to sort her out, catching her would be their first challenge.
    We will be back in Crick 20th ish Oct., catch you on the way past for a pint? John N/B Ellen.

    1. See you for a pint at Crick. I will give you a heads-up as we come through. I have just checked the photo of Ellen and sure enough, Lola dog in the last window.


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